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Venice is an extraordinary city, unique in the world and a UNESCO world heritage site.

It is, without doubt, one of the most famous cities in the world.

Yet even Venice has still the capacity to surprise:

perhaps not everyone knows that:


1 Venice Lagoon, 550 square kilometres wide is Italy’s biggest wetland area


2 Venice’s oldest church: San Giacomo di Rialto – known by the Venetians as San Giacometo – founded on March 25th 421 A.C., date that, according to tradition, is considered the birth date of Venice


3 one of Europe biggest State shipyards is the Arsenale of Venice, founded around the year 1104, to which Dante Alighieri dedicated four triplets of the Divine Commedy canto XXI Hell


4 the world’s oldest Lazzaretto (infirmary), founded in Venice in the year 1423


5 the first Italian Jewish Ghetto, set up in 1516 in Venice


6 in Venice there is one of Europe’s oldest public museums: the Republic statue museum, inaugurated in 1596, today National Archaeological Museum


7 Venice’s oldest theatre still existing today is the Goldoni Theatre, inaugurated in 1622


8 world oldest casino, opened in 1638 is the Venice Casino


9 the theatre “risen two times from its ashes” is the Teatro La Fenice, founded in 1792 in Venice


10 the St Mark’s bell tower of Venice collapsed on July 14th 1902 and was re-built exactly as the original ten years later


11 the Venice maritime defence is formed with more than 100 military architectural buildings, built from the 15th to the 20th Century and located in the lagoon, in the littoral and in the mainland


12 Marghera – in the near Venetian Mainland, is the largest industrial hub in Italy, built in 1917 as integration to Venice port (designed according to the model of the “garden cities” by the engineer Pietro Emilio Emmer).