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The Historic Centre of Venice still maintains the division in Sestieri

the six parts in which ancient Venice was territorially divided for tax and administrative purposes


This subdivision probably took place as early as 1171, under the Doge Vitale II Michiel


The Sestieri are three for each side of the Grand Canal that divides the island of Venice in two:

St. Mark’s, Castle, Cannaregio on the left side

Dorsoduro, San Polo and Santa Croce, on the right side


In this regard,

the six teeth (called “rebbi”) of the gondola’s “iron” arranged on the front side of the comb represent precisely the six sexes of the city

while the back-facing tooth represents the Island of Giudecca

Also among the front teeth of some combs may appear three decorated listings, representing the only three bridges that cross the Grand Canal:

Scalzi Bridge, Rialto Bridge, Academy Bridge